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In this blog you are going to read about some of the soccer leagues around the world.

Friday 22 May 2015

My name is Bryan Acosta i come from a country that lives soccer every day. I grow up playing soccer on the streets with friends; soccer is a live style for me. I live, watch, and love soccer.

The Spanish soccer league is one of the best in the world. It is a league that has two of the best teams in the world, Real Madrid and Barcelona. This league also has most of the best soccer players in the world for example Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Iker Casillas, Gareth Bale, Serguio Ramos and others. This league has fans all around the world and people pay a lot of money to watch the league. The Spanish league is one of the most competitive leagues in the world, with teams that have excellent players and couches. The Spanish first division has 20 clubs every year the last three clubs go to the division two and the best three clubs from the division two go to first. This leagues has more than 5 division. Some of the clubs have two team like Barcelona A and Barcelona B, Real Madrid and Real Madrid Castilla club de futbol. In my opinion as a soccer player and fan the Spanish league is the best in the world and many other people agree with me,

Gareth Bale
Cristiano Ronaldo
Lionel Messi

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